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快播CEO王欣当庭认罪 涉案高管向网民致歉_星空app官网登录


本文摘要:Four executives of online video service Qvod who are on trial for spreading pornography for profits and who had pled innocent in a previous trial, changed their pleas to guilty last Friday in a new open trial in Beijing.在上周五于北京举办的公开审判中,慢播出公司4名低管改动了之前的供词,否认犯罪。

Four executives of online video service Qvod who are on trial for spreading pornography for profits and who had pled innocent in a previous trial, changed their pleas to guilty last Friday in a new open trial in Beijing.在上周五于北京举办的公开审判中,慢播出公司4名低管改动了之前的供词,否认犯罪。在快播一案中,这四名高管被控散播色情内容牟利,在之前的审判中他们声称自己有罪。

Wang Xin, former CEO of Shenzhen-based Qvod Technology Co. Ltd. and three other executives, all admitted to spreading pornography on the Internet, Beijings Haidian District Peoples Court heard.在北京市海淀区人民法院的审理中,深圳慢播出科技有限公司前CEO王欣和其他三名高管都当庭否认了在互联网上散播色情内容。The company was charged with spreading a large amount of pornography and pirated content on its popular video player since the end of 2012 and by doing so had also made huge profits through charging users and advertisers.公诉人指控该公司从2012年末以来在其快播出播放器上散播了大量色情和正版内容,而且通过这些不道德向用户和广告商收费,从而牟取了巨额利益。

According to Haidian District Peoples Procuratorate, 21,251 of 29,841 files that police obtained from three servers used by Qvod were pornographic据海淀区人民检察院回应,在从快播出用于的三台服务器中搜出的全部29841份文件,有21251份文件所含色情内容。During the first trial, on January 7-8, the defendants denied all the charges.在今年1月7日至8日的全案中,被告人坚称了所有指控。In 2013, the companys business division posted revenue exceeding 140 million yuan (21 million US dollars), according to the procuratorate.据检察机关回应,2013年慢播出公司业务部门发布的总收入多达了1亿4000万元。

Our companys revenue is based on user numbers, admitted defendant Zhang Kedong.被告人张克东否认:“我们公司的收益各不相同用户的数量。”Founded in 2007, Qvod is a peer-to-peer video streaming site and it has around 300 million users.慢播出公司正式成立于2007年,是一家P2P视频流媒体网站,用户约有3亿多人。Faced with the choice between social responsibility and company interests, I chose the the latter, said Wang. He showed remorse for his actions.王欣回应:“在面对社会责任和公司利益的决择的时候,我自由选择了后者。

”他对自己的不道德回应愧疚。Spreading obscene content on the Internet did harm to others,especially adolescents. Not only have I broken the law, but I have also neglected my duty, said Wang.王欣说:“在互联网上散播低俗色情内容的确损害到了其他人,特别是在是青少年。我不仅违背了法律,也忽略了自己的责任。”The court will announce the verdicts at a later date.法庭将再行宣告最后裁决。

